Kids and adults both spend way too much time either in front of the television or with a device in hand. One of the best things a person can do for their family is to start everyone on an exercise regimen early on. Here are three easy ideas for family fitness that will have everyone energized.

  1. Get Involved in a Charity Walk or Run

Combing exercise with charity is a great way for families to stay fit while giving back to the community. Parents and kids can team up for various local walks and runs together. Check local groups for information on charity events in the area, such as a walk for breast cancer or a run for heart and stroke research. Church organizations are also a great place to turn to for information on local charity events.

  1. Put the Kids to Work

There is usually something to do in the yard, no matter what the season. Gather up the kids and make a game of yard work. If there are lots of leaves in the yard, have the kids rake them into piles with their own child-sized rakes. They can also make it into a fun game by taking turns jumping into the leaves. In the wintertime, let the young ones shovel the walk or carefully throw out some salt for the sidewalk. Being out in the snow will burn a lot of calories, and an impromptu snowball battle will burn even more! There is always something to be done outside no matter what season it is!

  1. Get Everyone to Garden

Kids love to play in the dirt anyway, so why not let them dig out the soil when the garden needs to be planted? Studies have even shown that gardening can count as a lightweight training activity. Additionally, kids will be more likely to eat their vegetables when they help plant them in the spring months. The best part of gardening and fitness? The plants need to be tended to every day! Kids can help weed garden beds as needed as well as water the plants with a hose or bucket. If there is a sprinkler set up to water the lawn, kids can have a great time running and ducking all the drops of water.