First aid is a life-saving practice. As simple as it may appear, prompt first aid can prevent significant morbidity and mortality. Due to children’s curious and careless nature, parents should not neglect to learn about first aid. It is a moment of gaining knowledge and confidence to handle future emergencies.

In case of an emergency, a caring parent will always want to do something to prevent further harm. Some of the vital procedures that a parent should know are highlighted below.

Treatment of Cuts

Cuts can be superficial or deep. Scrapes, bruises, and wounds that are superficial can be managed at home. Deep wounds may require a trip to the hospital, however. If a child gets a cut, it should be washed using soap to prevent the entry of microbes into the body. If an antibiotic cream is available, it can be applied, followed by bandaging.

In case of inflammation, cold packs can be used to reduce it. Applying pressure to the site of bleeding helps in arresting the bleeding. If the wound is deep or contaminated, a tetanus shot is necessary.

Treatment of Bites

In case of animal bites, the wound should be washed and an antibiotic applied before bandaging. Further medical care should be sought for rabies and tetanus vaccination. If it was a snake bite, it is an emergency that should be treated with an immediate trip to the emergency room.

In the case of insect stings, any leftover stinger should be removed by scraping with a hard object. An allergic reaction may occur that can be managed by using cold compresses before treatment is achieved. If the child develops breathing problems or loss of consciousness, that should be handled as an emergency as well.

Treating Nosebleeds

In the case of a nosebleed, the child should be placed in a stooping position with the nostrils squeezed together. Instruct your child to breathe through the mouth. They should be taken to the hospital if the bleeding does not stop after ten or so minutes.

Treatment of Burns

Burns can be minor or major. Major burns need immediate hospitalization. They are expansive and include critical areas such as the face, limbs, buttocks, and groin. For minor burns, the child is first removed from the source of heat, and tight clothes are loosened. After that, cold water can be applied and the affected area covered.

Treatment of ingested poison

If the skin is contaminated, it is flushed with plenty of water. However, if the poison has been ingested, the child should not be induced to vomit. It is important to take note of the chemical ingested and call 1-800-222-1222 or 911.

Treatment of Choking

The mouth should be checked for any objects a child might have placed there or swallowed. If visible, it should be removed. If it is not visible, gentle but firm pats on the back may aid its removal. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation or Heimlich maneuver can be performed by an experienced person. The case should be considered an emergency if the child begins to turn blue.

No one knows when an emergency will occur. A wise parent should prepare for emergencies by having a furnished first aid tool kit. The tool kit should contain:

  • Cold compress
  • Antibiotic cream
  • Medical tape
  • Gauze pads
  • Medical gloves
  • Bandage
  • First Aid Manual
  • Pain killers
  • Antihistamines