For proper growth, learning, and development, children need the right foods for fuel. Their food needs the right nutrients and little sugars, with an appropriate amount of calories and fats. Serving nutrient-rich meals and snacks helps provide children with the...
I’ve just returned from a trip to Los Cabos. Los Cabos is Spanish for “The Capes” and describes the region at the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula. The best know city is Cabo San Lucas, but the historic and cultural heart of the region pulses 25 miles...
Since the COVID-19 pandemic began over one year ago, the race for safe and effective vaccines has been front and center in medical research. Trials began with older adults as study participants, while clinical vaccine studies have now been extended to children 12 to...
After more than a year of living through the pandemic, your big day is coming soon. Getting a COVID-19 vaccination is a big step towards returning to a more normal life, and you might have had to wait for many weeks to get this appointment. Now, you can take these...
The potential side effects of the COVID vaccine often scare many people as they prepare to get their shot. However, the experience is different for many. These reactions have left health experts wondering why so many are having such varying reactions. A study...
Dealing with Chronic Inflammation is the biggest problem for those who are overweight. Chronic inflammation can result from too many years of eating poor-quality foods. However, there is no definite way to eliminate inflammation. Some people think that reducing or...