The past year has changed the lives of children all over the world. Once the COVID-19 pandemic began, children were abruptly asked to do their schoolwork from home. They’ve also been asked to socially distance themselves from their family and friends, which goes...
One of the most significant diseases and leading causes of death worldwide is heart disease; however, it is generally avoidable by managing the risk factors and adjusting your standard of living. Below are six strategies you can use to strengthen your heart. Avoid...
Though most people wish they could maintain their physical prime well into their older years, the likelihood of being athletically dominant at age fifty is pretty slim. The human body isn’t made to maintain high physical performance for years, making exercising...
For some time now, mindfulness has been touted as a beneficial practice. With benefits ranging from the physical to the emotional, mindfulness is believed to improve an individual’s quality of life in addition to their general attitudes. Why mindfulness works,...
Kids and adults both spend way too much time either in front of the television or with a device in hand. One of the best things a person can do for their family is to start everyone on an exercise regimen early on. Here are three easy ideas for family fitness that...