As a Pediatric surgeon, it is of utmost importance that I take time to relax and rest on my off days to ensure that I am focused and ready for those important calls. Resting itself is a simple concept, but in today’s fast-paced world, unplugging and recharging is more...
Flashback to the summer of ‘89. I had just finished my sophomore year of college. Facing a decision between a research position at a marine sciences institute at the beach and an internship at the National Cancer Institute, I opted for the latter. The program assigned...
The dinner party is a wonderful way of bringing people together with good food and drink. Throwing this kind of soiree can be intimidating, however, and the menu can pose challenges of all sorts. Hosting the ultimate dinner party is achievable with these five simple...
America is a nation of extremes, where we take something to the “nth” degree. Take food, for example. There are food channels, food reviewers (foodies), and diets galore. Look on social media at any given moment and you will find someone promoting a paleo diet or a...
If you are an avid traveler, then you will have visited the major cities in tourist countries, such as England, France, Spain, and Germany. Not to mention those in the United States, such as Miami, New York, and Los Angeles. However, if you are craving a new...