Staying Active After 50

Staying Active After 50

Though most people wish they could maintain their physical prime well into their older years, the likelihood of being athletically dominant at age fifty is pretty slim. The human body isn’t made to maintain high physical performance for years, making exercising...
3 Ideas for Family Fitness

3 Ideas for Family Fitness

Kids and adults both spend way too much time either in front of the television or with a device in hand. One of the best things a person can do for their family is to start everyone on an exercise regimen early on. Here are three easy ideas for family fitness that...
5 Brain Foods to Keep Your Mind Strong

5 Brain Foods to Keep Your Mind Strong

Your diet affects the structure and brain health. Therefore, taking brain-boosting foods can support your short and long-term brain function. The human brain is an energy-efficient organ, using about 20% of the body’s calories. A lot of fuel is needed to maintain high...
Fight Off and Prevent The Flu This Season

Fight Off and Prevent The Flu This Season

The winter is quickly approaching, which means it is almost time for the holidays. Unfortunately, this upcoming winter is also flu season. It is important to protect yourself and others from catching the flu this year. The flu is contagious, meaning that it spreads...
Foods to Help Boost Your Immune System

Foods to Help Boost Your Immune System

As fall turns into winter, finding ways to keep yourself healthy becomes increasingly important. You can do so by finding vitamins at the pharmacy, sure, but an easier—and far tastier—way of doing so is to look at what you include in your diet. A quick trip to the...